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Spot Guide  - Beat 1

Beat 1

Work upstream from the parking, RB only. Cattle or sheep may be present, or the field may be grown for silage, so stick to the edge of fields and close to the bank. Bank is often slippery and steep, and the water is deep and can be fast. Wading not advisable in lower stretch. A new spot ///bedrooms.conductor.breathed was cleared a short way up from the bridge (Smallbridge) and was most productive in 2023, but some Rainbows had been stocked there that year, and that is not always the case. Several more spots created upstream should be fairly obvious and usually involve steps and a rope but there is little cover :- ///convinced.cackling.spans ///circle.wades.scavenger ; ///boots.ownership.rocked

Chub and Dace may be seen rising here, and small Browns sometimes caught.


Near the top of the field, there is a long shallow bend, ///flattery.projects.finishing and a pool just below the fence.


To reach the 2nd field, follow the fence up to the gate then back down again. Access is definitely trickier in the 2nd field, with about 3 spots each requiring climbing down a steep slope, and you’ll probably need your own rope to climb back up. There is more variety in this short stretch of the river if you can negotiate it. Do not proceed beyond the line of conifers as that marks the extent of our permission.

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