Spot Guide
Members all probably have their favourite spots but if new to the river it can be a little challenging to know where to start. This brief beat by beat guide is intended to introduce new members to the most popular spots on the river. Please read in conjunction with the Beat Map and Parking Guide.
In this guide, Right Bank (RB) and Left Bank (LB) assumes a viewpoint looking downstream. Where wading is mentioned, chest or waist waders are assumed, though thigh waders are often adequate when the river is low. Thigh waders are usually adequate where Crossing points are mentioned, unless river levels are particularly high.
The guide uses What3Words (W3W) links to identify spots. They usually indicate the start of an access point at the top of the bank. They are approximate. If you are not familiar with W3W please read the separate article in the Members Only area.
New spots are added periodically and the guides will be updated regularly.
A huge "Thank You" to Peter Burnett for putting this guide together.