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A Mixed Bag

Lovely summer's day decided on afternoon fishing on the Teise.


Thought I would start at Harpers. Arrived to find 4 cars parked, never known that in all the years I have fished here. Hey ho back up to Share farm, all on my own how I like it.


First pool. Nice rainbow. Good start.


Second pool snagged up lost fly and leader, not so good.


Retackled. 3rd pool good take.This does not feel like trout ? Coming to the net I see a flash of silver,a chub i think. No, bright red fins a bar of immaculate silver, a Roach a big Roach. This has to be weighed. One and a half pounds not the fish I was after but pleased to have caught such a great fish. Back he goes.


Fourth pool 15 minutes no takes. Then a big splash in the hidden pool above. Only way to get to it is climb through the undergrowth.

Can't cast can only flick my fly. 6 flicks later a strong take. A good fight then whats this? A Perch, a big Perch all bristling and indignant.

This also has to be weighed. One and three quarter pound. Have heard Perch are good to eat but not this beauty, back he goes.


Collect my gear to go back through the bushes and there he is! Me staring at him and he staring at me,who is most surprised ?

In a flash he is in the water and away all black and furry Mink.

Just a summer's afternoon on the River Teise.


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