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Ins and Outs


Not a lot of fishing has happened recently, and the river is just about recovering from the serious rain a while back, but still staying higher than usual. It wasn't enough to dissuade our fearless work party team on Saturday however, who spent their time putting things into the river and taking other things out. This is one of two new deflectors going in on Beat 3a (Stonebridge) to make life more interesting for the fish, and hopefully for the anglers too.

We took out a lot of the usual stuff as well: debris caught on low-hanging willows, and some of the overhanging branches that make casting difficult (notably at the Barbel Pool). We also unearthed (if that's the right word) a huge plastic sheet (probably DPM) that had been half-buried in the silt at the bottom of the flat stretch below the Weir Pool. It had been there for many years, and when it was eventually dragged out it proved to be about 30m2; definitely better out than in.

You might have noticed some removals from 3b and 3c a little while ago, this time just down to Nigel and Keith who had a fun morning messing about in the river (before the rains came). The Willow that was seriously encroaching on the corner pool above the footbridge is now back in its box, and that can be quite a productive spot, if you don't mind losing a few nymphs.

Down on 3c, you may be familiar with this big logjam on a long bend half-way down. Another great place for losing flies, but definitely a spot that holds fish.

Well, now it still acts as a sanctuary for those shy fish, but it's also a bit more accessible to those who would try to persuade them out.

Further up the beaten track, just below the chain pool, was a spot that looked really fishy, as the river narrowed and churned away under a half-fallen tree. It was, however, a deadly trap for nymphs, which would disappear almost instantly, never to be seen again. It still looks pretty fishy, but a lot of the snags are now gone, and it has already yielded a Rainbow, so that's another spot to try.

Well done to Keith and Nigel, and also the rest of the work-party volunteers; you know who you are, and if that's not you, then do think about joining us a for a worthwhile and very sociable and enjoyable workout on the river, plus delicious healthy snacks (well, the apples were healthy anyway) and good quality coffee. The next event is on 9th November, so drop Nigel an email if you want to get involved, and you too can put something into the river as well as taking things out.



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