After doing a lot of work down at Trottenden last week with Nigel and Keith (and his son), cutting back overhanging foliage and removing debris, I thought I'd have a trip to see if the fish appreciated all the hard work. Clearly they didn't.
I suspect that the dramatic drop in water levels didn't help. It was 39/40 cm a few days ago and dropped from 36 to 27 over the last 24 hrs, creating a sluggish flow but improved clarity.
That made it worse, as I could see the fish, and see them ignoring nymph after nymph after nymph. Here's a sample of the flies I tried today, some of them several times in different places.

Quite a selection, including a BWO which did actually catch a Rainbow, only for it to dive under a sunken tree and make good its escape. Apart from that, I had scarcely a nibble, and didn't hook a single fish, which is pretty unusual for me, even if I often lose half of them. One new member unfortunately chose this day for one of his first visits, and I hope it hasn't scarred his impression of the river. On the other hand, Keith managed to maintain his unbroken run of a limit on every visit, but he is exceptional, and even he admits it was hard work today.
If you're wondering about the strange box, it's my 'used-fly patch' except that it has a lid as I got fed up of them falling off a patch. It also has strips of magnetic material in the lid, to catch any that do get loose. Of course I tie it onto my fly vest (as I do everything else), and if you spotted a nylon hair-curler attached to the zinger line, that's a very economical gadget to collect your spare tippet. Just press the line onto the collector, and twist it around and the line sticks to it like Velcro. You could pay £20 for a fancier one, but it works for me.
As for the fishing today - it was just one of those days, and means I really must try harder next time.
Tight Lines
P.S. I tried again 2 days later and had one on 2B (but not where I normally have most luck). I then tried 2A again, and still failed to interest the few I could see, but did manage 2 more, much further down, in a spot where I don't normally fish. There must be a lesson there somewhere.
Hi Peter, it was nice to meet yourself and Keith and it was sad to witness your only fish of the day make good its escape! Tight lines, Simon H