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2023 Catch Returns

For those who couldn't be there, here is the summary report of Catch Returns as presented at last night's AGM.

Catch Returns Summary 2023 (2022 figures in brackets)


Overall Returns down slightly (3%) and number of members submitting them exactly the same: 56

Significant drop in Rainbows caught; two thirds were returned.

Significant increase in Browns caught, almost all were returned.

Significant further drop in Grayling caught.

Blanks up, Rod average down.


618 Rainbows (733), down 16%

192 Browns (147) up 30%


Rainbows 67%,

Browns 98%


Catch 87 - 31% down;

68% caught on 3b; 3 on 3a, rest on 3c

Best beats

2a (R214, B77),

3b (R195, B53, G60);

then 3c, 3a, 2b

Beat 1: Returns up - 19 (7); Rainbows up - 28 (2)

Share Farm: 60% Blank (50%).

Minor Beats:


4: 5 (7)

5: 0; 6: 0; 7: 0

Reservoir: 14 (6)

Detailed figures by Beat are in the attached spreadsheet.

Discussion of the figures noted the very wet start to the season which caused difficulties in stocking Beats 2a and 2b. Instead, some of the first stocking went into Beat 1, accounting for the improved catch rate there. The unpredictable late summer weather and high river levels in October were also factors.

Once again there was a prize draw for members who have submitted returns, and the winner will be sent a £50 voucher. The draw is weighted, so the more returns you submit, the higher the chances of winning, though it is still a lottery of course.

Just a reminder for the Winter Fishing: Catch Returns are not needed for Coarse Fishing, but please put in returns when you go fly-fishing for Grayling.



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