As this is the last day of the Trout season, we might have expected a few members on the river today, but the weather has put paid to that I suspect.
I will be compiling and analysing the Catch Returns for the season in time for the AGM, so if you plan to submit any returns for past visits, please complete them in the next few days, or they might not be counted.
For those who have signed up for Winter Fishing, it's not necessary to record any trout that you accidentally catch in your Return, as they will be put back anyway, but we do like to hear about your Grayling catches, so please keep them coming in. It's always useful to know if the Grayling were caught on Nymphs or Dries, and even which ones if possible. Other relevant comments are also very welcome, but don't forget you can submit comments and suggestions for publishing in this blog, by emailing
Hope you enjoy the winter fishing or a break, and may see you at a work party or the AGM.
Peter B