If you signed up for Winter Fishing, you'll have been a bit frustrated at the river levels for most of November. In case you don't always check them before setting out, here's an indication of where the river has been recently.

Look at the tree in the middle and see how high the accumulated debris has lodged. You wouldn't want to try fishing when it's at that level. Fortunately it's finally on a downward trajectory now, and was quite fishable today in the mid 40s. As you can probably see, the murkiness is also gradually disappearing, so should be quite good by the end of the week as there's no more rain forecast.
As if that wasn't enough encouragement, we now have a nice new surface in our parking area, so no more worries about needing a tow-truck there.

Even better, I spotted a few rises from our lovely Grayling today, including one or two decent looking specimens. Sadly they didn't rise to my dry flies, just tantalisingly close, but they'd be no challenge if it was too easy. Hopefully we'll see a few Grayling Catch Returns in the coming days, and it will be interesting to see if the river returns to its October level, or if the Bewl project means it will stay higher for a while. I'll keep you posted.
Tight Lines