The 2023 season got off to a pretty good start this week, despite the heavy rain the previous week, and an extra dose on Wednesday night. The river level started at just over 50cm and has fallen steadily, though exteremely slowly, to 40cm this evening. It was quite coloured on Monday and this has been clearing slightly, but again very slowly. Nonetheless, the weather was fairly kind, if not actually quite good at times, and plenty of people have been down on the river, though there was no sign of overcrowding.
Harpers Beat 3b (Sewage Outfall to Footbridge) was the most productive, and lots of full quotas (only 4 of course) there, including a couple of Browns. Trottenden (2a) was certainly a bit harder this time, but should improve as the water clears, and a few proficient members still managed 4 there, and a few Browns were also caught there.
Grayling are out of season now, so they are not being counted, and if you do catch one, please treat it very carefully and release it as quickly as possible.
About 15 people submitted Catch Returns over the week, and many visited more than once. Amongst the successful flies were the deadly bright pink squirmies (especially on Monday at Harpers when the water was high and murky). Pink Grayling Bombs or Shrimps also worked at Trottenden, and old faithfuls like GRHEs and PTNs and Bloodworms also got a mention though they all needed a heavy bead.
If you decide to park at Share Farm (at the top of the lane), beware that it has been a bit soft there and one member had to be towed out, so check before you park there, and consider reversing in if you do. You might also wish to note that Share Farm (2b) missed out on the stocking this time, due to the soggy ground, so it might be even more of a challenge than usual, but still worth it.
Don't forget the work-party at the reservoir on Saturday 8th, and another fly-tying evening on 12th.
Enjoy the rest of the season.
Tight lines