They've been at it again up at the Reservoir. Nigel had spent a day there cutting down some of the hawthorn trees we've been decorating with flies, and he organised a workparty on Friday to cear it up, burn it, and cut back a few more of the worst offenders.
Unfortunately only a few of the regulars were available, but Nigel, Keith and myself were joined by John who's been absent all season recovering from an accident that left him with a steel rod in his leg. Nonetheless, he did an excellent job of cutting up the logs and branches and feeding the bonfire. Between us we disposed of a huge heap of 'brash' and the reservoir casting sites are improving all the time (even if my casting isn't).
Apart from some hard work, there were hot drinks and doughnuts and awful jokes, so it was a pretty good morning all round. Do try and join a work-party if you can (contact Nigel if you're not already on his list), and let us know how your fishing trips to the reservoir work out.