Whilst some of you will be dusting off your tackle (as they say) and reorganising your fly boxes in anticipation of next season, you may like to know that you could be fishing for Trout right now!
Our Reservoir is open for Trout fishing all year round, so if the wind is not too frisky, and you wrap up warm, you could give it a go. It's not always the easiest place to fish as it did have a problem with weed last year (like many other places), but it has been well stocked and there should be plenty of fish in there.
I say 'should' because nobody seems to have caught any since the season closed, at least according to the Catch Returns. But then we've only had a handful of returns for that Beat anyway, and several of those were from members of the work-parties who have stayed on after doing a morning's clearing and restoration there. And an excellent job they've done too!
So maybe you've been there, or know someone else who's been there, but forgot to put in a return? No problem, we all forget, but if you have, and especially if you caught anything, please do let us know. A late Catch Return is fine, or just an email to TeiseAOA@gmail.com will be be much appreciated. We really need to know, as the committee are actively considering the future strategy for the Reservoir right now.